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How Email Marketing helps your Business?

Email Marketing

With the new revolution of video calling, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and chat bots, it sometimes seems like email marketing is long past its...

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No Extension for Filing DIR-3 KYC: What is Next Now?...


MCA Stands firm on its Decision on no Further Extension for filing DIR-KYC Beyond 15th September 2018 There is huge chaos in the market due to the MCA[1] (...

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How to get Patta Chitta online in India?

Patta Chitta online

Patta Chitta online is land revenue reports that are maintained by the Tamil Nadu Government containing all the details of the property related to each per...

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What is R2 Certification

R2 Certification

R2 Certification the issue of e-waste and safe disposal is attracting increasing attention globally. Across countries, many of the end-consumers have minim...

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What is Masala Bond in India?

Masala Bond

Masala Bond the word first put its foot on London Stock Exchange where it got its name “The Masala Bond”. When PM’s visit in 2016 to the UK to grow.....

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MCA extension for filing DIR-3 KYC

filing DIR-3 KYC

Hurry up, Directors! Update your filing DIR 3 KYC to avoid heavy penalty All the directors either Indian or foreign nationals who have been allotted the DI...

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Procedure for Change in the Controlling Interest of Ass...


There are all possibilities that due to any reason an existing Asset Management Company(AMC) would like to undergo a change in the control of interest of t...

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TAC Approval for Automobile

TAC Approval

TAC Approval for Automobile The TAC Approval granted to a product that meets the required standard, technical and safety requirements are called Type Appro...

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