Business Plan

What Can Be The Right Source Of Funds For The Company?

What Can Be The Right Source Of Funds For The Company?

For better or stable revenue, it isn’t always effortless for companies to fund their business, but now various options are available compared to the past.

New and small businesses are growing very well due to the Internet, technologies, and social media, which help them to stand along with big giant companies. 

Finance is necessary for a business to cultivate more, but the enormous challenge is where and how to source funds. This article helps answer every question people have in their minds related to the source of funds. 

What are the Source of Funds?

Companies constantly seek sources of funding which help to expand and grow their business. Funding, also called financing, portrays contributing resources to source a program, project, or need. The company can raise funds for either short-term or long-term purposes. 

Why do company need Funding?

There are some Common Reasons Why Businesses Enterprise Need Funds –

For Production Capacity

The issue of not having enough funds will hamper business growth and expansion. Therefore companies move forward for external funding to invest in new technology and buy assets such as innovative machinery and equipment’s to modernize their facilities. The investment in technology will increases efficiency and rise in production capacity, which helps in bring off expansion plans.

To Develop and Market New Products

An individual always think of for opportunities to expand their business, prosper and drive their businesses forward. Rejuvenation and assortment are excellent advancement approach. Financing help to develop, test and launch new products or a services in the market.

To Enter New Markets

With growth and expansion, companies want to enter a niche market or target a new segment. For entering into a new market, an in-depth research is a must. The well-planned marketing strategies, advertising campaigns, hiring of skilled and experienced employees, and building up outlets, among other things. And for this, businesses require an ample amount of investment.

Take-Over or Acquisition

The source of funds is also required to acquire the other company or combine forces with a compatible firm to form a new company. While mergers and acquisitions come with potential gains, the undertakings are expensive and involve a hefty investment.

To Pay for the Day-to-Day Running of Business

The funds are needed to keep the business on track and ensure that all operations run smoothly. The company may often require a fund to handle short-term commitments. These include everyday expenses like clearing the vendors due for purchasing raw materials, salaries to employees, office or building rent, clearing invoices, operating costs, and consistent supply of inventory.

Research and Development

Research and development (R&D) presume new technologies, building exclusive products and services, or strengthening the existing product or services.

Companies work in this segment to measure comprehensively to explore new opportunities, penetrate new markets, and engage with a skilled workforce to stay ahead of the curve. However, R&D programs are expensive and require a compelling amount of investment.

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Many small establishments don’t have the resources to bear the expense. They approach lenders for financial help to leverage their R&D efforts successfully.

Sources of Funds

If the company is looking for ways to increase its cash flow, here are the best source of funds options to help grow small businesses or start-ups efficiently and smartly.


An excellent first step is to find out if the company even require an outside source of funds or if a company can use a bit of bootstrapping strategy. Bootstrapping is a strategy many successful entrepreneurs and start-ups use to expand their businesses without giving up control to investors.

Bootstrapping strategy is using current resources to increase their situation. And even though it might take longer to expand the business using the bootstrapping strategy, it might be worthwhile in the long run once the company owns the entire percentage of the wealth pie.

Bootstrapping consists of the following:

  • Using funds from own savings account
  • Not more than what your current cash flow will allow for spending
  • Choosing to DIY rather than immediate hiring professionals
  • Slowly increasing client work and sales while saving the profits

Traditional Bank Loans

Banks offer diversified options for lending money to small businesses, either short-term or long-term sources of funds. Companies need enough cash flow to repay the loan, which helps the banks approve a business loan.

Often a company can leverage their property, such as a home, or other assets, as collateral for the loan. Nowadays, business loans are available from the community or local banks, as big banks have cut lending to small businesses.

Another benefit of applying for a loan at a community or small bank is that new small businesses do not have enough creditworthiness yet, and local banks have a higher chance of giving loans.

A few drawbacks include the risk of losing any personal collateral assets to a bank loan. And since a new business may have difficulty qualifying under its name, the entrepreneur will have to apply under its name instead.

Winning Contests

The vast opportunity for new start-ups is increased competition and tech events. They offer various fundraising options and uplift entrepreneurs to grow their businesses.

Winning contests have a large sum of prize money for the winners, but to win, start-ups need to present their idea uniquely to stand out. To persuade investors to fund the businesses, it must be transparent.

These competitions also provide opportunities to gain media attention for service or business strategy, which added benefits. This helps you gather funding from professional investors.

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Debt Financing

Organizations that require equity financing may look for sources of debt financing. For a business owner, Debt funding/financing is an alternative to a bank loan. Debt financing can be a valuable and quick source of funds. It usually requires assets or collateral security like a bank loan, where the borrower is responsible for paying back the funding.

The term payback period may fluctuate, and the details may be negotiable. Primarily, it may be possible to work with your debt financing lenders to offer accelerated payments, stretch them out, or draw only the required amount when a borrower needs them and pay back when easy for the borrower.


The crowdfunding is also the best source of funds. In Crowdfunding, more than one people fund the company on behalf of taking some part of stake holding in the company simultaneously by posting a detailed description of the business on a crowdfunding platform.

Fill information about the company with a clear business plan, goals, the amount of investment required etc., will draw customers and encourage them to pledge to pre-order the product or offer donations if they firmly believe in the concept.

The advantage of Crowdfunding is that it helps advertise the product and allows regular people to fund their ideas. But always remember to provide a clear picture of the business so that ordinary people will understand the business.

Angel Investors

An angel investor is a person or an individual who typically invests in early-stage or start-up businesses. They understand the risks, evaluate their potential growth, and offer advice and connections to help businesses accelerate their growth.

Companies’ high growth potential is restricted to the network, ability to execute and cold, clinical understanding of the company situation. Angel investors are good at partnering with the company in these areas. They provide resources, funds, research, connections, programs, services, investment, and other ways to help the company to expand its program or project or grow faster.

Search for local angel investors or organisations that can help companies or talk to successful entrepreneurs about their success and who they know as angel investors or people who invest their money in a business.

Venture Capital Investors

Most of the time, venture capitalists take other people’s money (sometimes their own) and invest it into ‘ventures’ (businesses) at a later stage. By their nature, they typically are not dealing with start-ups (very early stage) very much but instead focus on businesses that are stable enough for high growth or have high growth potential.

They expect an equity stake in the company in exchange for their investment. They invest in the business for profit, but they also know that they may come later. They want to be involved in providing to help the business succeed, but they are barely interested in offering a bit of advice or helping to operate the business.

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Angel investors may better accommodate funding opportunities for start-up businesses from venture capitalists for small- companies. In contrast, a venture capital investment may be better for later-stage or high-growth companies.

Private Equity

A type of venture capital is private equity. The private equity individual is a lender that takes an equity stake in the company in exchange for their invested capital and is not investing in a company to operate the business. Still, they invest in businesses which is closer to profits and have a robust business plan and equity structure.

The company’s financial statements and forecasting must be accurate and reliable to evaluate the business development opportunity. This type of lender can be synonymous with equity financing or equity funding.

This option can be suitable for entrepreneurs who research the industry, are up for it for more funds, want the benefits of an expanded network, and are looking for money and resources. They can fund the business in several ways, such as giving a loan to the company that must repay in future with interest, debt financing, equity financing, capital in exchange for stock or ownership, and more.

Government Grants

Grants are a type of funding that does not require a company to repay the allocated funds. Grant is an ideal source of funds for companies or businesses that require funds for their company but not as a debt.

No payback and interest are charged with an unrestricted grant source of funds, which is best for companies and owners required to keep equity funding costs as low as possible. These are hard to achieve, considering these programs modify and move from quarter to quarter or year to year.

Search for official government grant sources locally (state or province) or federally, and look at what programs the company may qualify. Several grant programs include small, minority-owned, and industry-specific businesses.


The bottom line is that most companies experience that, at some existence, they require finance for their business. Whatever the reason, it’s essential to consider the current source of funds options available carefully. The peer-to-peer lending platform is an excellent choice for controlling the financial crunch. It’s convenient and provides business loans with greater flexibility, lower interest rates, and less paperwork. Besides this, other sources of funds options are also in the market now; equity funds, government grants, and angel investing are best for those entrepreneurs who don’t want to be stuck on debt payment and their interest.

Read Our Article: Money Market Funds: Everything You Need to Know

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