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Company Registration

Become an Insolvency Professional: Qualification &...

Insolvency Professional

Introduction In legal terms, Insolvency is a situation where the liabilities of a person or an organization exceed its assets.  Insolvency is when an...

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AIF Registration

Alternative Investment Fund Regulations

Alternative investment

Alternative investment AIFs included under this category are SME Funds, Venture Capital Funds, Social Venture Funds, and Infrastructure Funds What is Alter...

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Income Tax Taxation

Investment in Property under Construction Not To Be Tre...


Why will Investment in under-construction property not be treated as Purchase? As per section 54 of the Income Tax Act, 1961[1] acquisition of new flat in...

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Company Registration Global Registration

How to Start a Tech Company in USA As A Non Resident...

Tech Company

Business creation is a myth. Value addition to a business is what is to be called real business creation. When it is the idea to start a Tech Start-up comp...

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Company Registration Global Registration

Company Formation Procedure in Hong Kong

Company Formation in Hong Kong

Private Limited Company Formation in Hong Kong doesn’t involve capital contribution on the subsequent incorporation. They just have to declare the capit...

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Company Registration

Company Registration in India from Resident Country of...

Company Registration in India from Resident Country of USA

A Non-resident Indian can get a company registered in India, legally under the Indian Companies Act, 2013 by not being physically present in India, provid...

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Prepaid Wallet License

Introduction to Prepaid Payment Instruments

Prepaid Payment Instruments

PPI (Pre-paid Payment Instruments) is one of the payment instruments that enable the transactions like buying of goods & services, comprising of funds...

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Financial Reporting

Types of Foreign Investment in India


FDI Foreign Direct Investment is a module of country's national financial accounts. In Foreign direct investment, the investment is made by foreign assets...

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