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Finance & Accounting

Financial Modeling: Top 6 Best Practices

Financial Modeling: Top 6 Best Practices

What is a Financial Modeling? Financial Modeling helps estimate a project or business's financial position by considering all factors, growth and risk assu...

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Finance & Accounting

Disparities between Accounts Payable vs Accounts Receiv...

Disparities between Accounts Payable vs Accounts Receivable

The accounting terms, account payable and account receivable, create confusion sometimes. It seems like they are the same, but their treatment is different...

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Finance Business

Difference between Internal and External Reconstruction...

Difference between Internal and External Reconstruction

Reconstruction is the process wherein the existing company transfers its operations, assets and liabilities to a new company. In other words, it is the tra...

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All You Need To Know About Form GSTR 2A

All You Need To Know About Form GSTR 2A

The GST legislation was introduced in India in 2017. It is a form of indirect taxation levied on the supply of goods and services. With the onset of this l...

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Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares Is Not Accru...

Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares Is Not Accruable Interest

The Bangalore Income tax appellate tribunal, while allowing the appeal of the appellant in the case Enzen Global Solutions (P.) Ltd. v. Income Tax Officer...

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Business Plan

Angel Investors vs Venture Capitalists: Where Should On...

Angel Investors vs Venture Capitalists: Where Should One Secure Funding?

Understanding the differences between the types of investors in this venture is essential to make the best financial decision for one's growing business en...

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RBI Notification

Eligibility Criteria for Offering Internet Banking Faci...

Eligibility Criteria for Offering Internet Banking Facility by RRBs

The Reserve Bank of India, through notification no RBI/2022-23/135 DoR.AUT.REC.81/24.01.001/2022-23, dated November 01st 2022, has issued fresh guidelines...

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AIF Registration

Alternative Investments: – How to Help With Portf...

Alternative Investments: - How to Help With Portfolio Diversification

In today’s era, investments are very important for the future. Long-term and short-term investments are essential to secure your future financially and c...

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