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Restriction on acceptance of public deposits by NBFC...

Restriction on acceptance of public deposits by NBFC

In India, Non-Banking Financial Companies are subject to certain restrictions from taking public deposits. The RBI[1] (Reserve Bank of India) controls and...

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Foreign Investment

Tax Implications of Overseas Investment

Overseas Investment

It's usually a good idea to diversify the assets in your financial portfolio, especially during unpredictable periods like the one the Indian and global ma...

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Fit and Proper Criteria for NBFCs

Fit and Proper

A nation is being built by the non-banking finance company through the development of wealth, the creation of jobs, the arrangement of working capital, and...

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Enforcement actions for non-compliance with registratio...

Portfolio Managers

A corporate entity known as a portfolio manager complies with a contract or agreement with the client and provides advice, makes decisions, or takes action...

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Risk Management and Mitigation Strategies for Registere...

Risk Management and Mitigation Strategies for Registered Portfolio Managers

Identifying and analysing risks associated with individual portfolio investments, such as equities, bonds, money market funds, and cash, is known as portfo...

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Regulatory Requirements for Portfolio Managers

Regulatory Requirements for Portfolio Managers

The process of managing a person's investments to optimise their returns within a specific time frame. Additionally, these procedures ensure that investors...

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Foreign Investment

Overseas Investment in Emerging Markets

Overseas Investment in Emerging Markets

Investors are constantly looking for possibilities to invest in an opportunity that gives them a sizable return on their money. Because they have the poten...

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Returns by NBFC Having Overseas Investment

Returns by NBFC Having Overseas Investment

The RBI has issued Non-Banking Financial Company Returns (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016. An authorised representative of the NBFC, who will be officially...

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