IRDAI Circulars

IRDAI’s New WMD Act Circular: Key Implications and Changes

Understanding IRDAI's Updated Circular on the WMD Act

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) released a new circular on 9th October 2023, addressing amendments to a previous circular dated 19th April 2023. This amendment pertains to the Procedure for Implementation of Section 12A of ‘The Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005 (WMD Act).


  1. The IRDAI had initially issued a circular in April 2023, which incorporated the Order dated 30th January 2023 from the Department of Revenue. This order outlined the procedures to be followed for the implementation of Section 12A of the WMD Act.
  2. In September 2023, the Department of Revenue replaced the earlier order with a revised one. As a result, the April 2023 circular required modification.

Key Provisions of the Amended Circular:

  1. The amendment modifies Clause 2 of the circular. The revised clause emphasizes the intent of the Department of Revenue to ensure the expeditious and effective implementation of Section 12A of the WMD Act as specified in their order dated 1st September 2023.
  2. Clause 3 of the circular was also amended, and now, the copy of the Department of Revenue’s order from 1st September 2023 is enclosed as Annexure I.

Implications for Stakeholders:

  1. Life, General, and Health Insurers: These entities will need to align their operations and policies with the newly revised procedures pertaining to the WMD Act. This may involve adjusting underwriting guidelines, claim processes, and risk management protocols.
  2. Policyholders: While the exact changes resulting from the circular are not detailed here, policyholders might face new conditions or exclusions related to weapons of mass destruction risks.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Companies would need to invest in compliance initiatives to ensure they are following the new directives and avoiding any potential penalties or legal issues.
  4. Government and Enforcement Agencies: The amendment is likely aimed at enhancing national security and ensuring that financial and insurance sectors do not inadvertently support or get involved with unlawful activities related to WMDs.
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Major Takeaways:

  1. The IRDAI is actively aligning its regulations with broader national policies, especially in sensitive areas like weapons of mass destruction.
  2. There is a continual effort to ensure that insurance regulations are updated to reflect changes made by other governmental departments.
  3. The insurance industry, as part of the financial sector, plays a crucial role in national security by denying support to potentially harmful activities and actors.
  4. Stakeholders should remain agile and adaptive to such regulatory changes to ensure smooth operations and compliance.

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