All HS Codes or HSN Codes for stationery with GST Rates


Dive into a comprehensive handbook that simplifies the often complex world of HS and HSN codes for a diverse array of stationery items, all accompanied by their respective GST rates. This invaluable resource is designed to be your go-to reference, catering to the needs of businesses, importers, exporters, and tax professionals. Whether you’re seeking to unravel the tax implications for pens, paper, office supplies, or any other stationery-related products, this guide provides the clarity and compliance information you need. Stay well-informed and make well-informed financial decisions using this comprehensive stationery HS and HSN code reference, complete with the corresponding GST rates.

ChapterDescriptionHSN CodeRate (%)CESS (%)Effective DateRate Revision
(waste and scrap) paper or paperboardEnvelopes, Letter Cards, Plain Postcards And Correspondence Cards, Of Paper Or Paperboard; Boxes, Pouches, Wallets And Writing Compendiums, Of Paper Or Paperboard, Containing An Assortment Of Paper Stationery481718%01/07/2017
Envelopes, Letter Cards, Plain Postcards And Correspondence Cards, Of Paper Or Paperboard; Boxes, Pouches, Wallets And Writing Compendiums, Of Paper Or Paperboard, Containing An Assortment Of Paper Stationery – Envelopes4817100018%01/07/2017
Boxes, Pouches, Wallets And Writing Compendiums, Of Paper Or Paperboard, Containing An Assortment Of Paper Stationery48173012%01/07/2017
Envelopes, Letter Cards, Plain Postcards And Correspondence Cards, Of Paper Or Paperboard; Boxes, Pouches, Wallets And Writing Compendiums, Of Paper Or Paperboard, Containing An Assortment Of Paper Stationery – Boxes, Pouches, Wallets And Writing Compendi4817301018%01/07/2017
Envelopes, Letter Cards, Plain Postcards And Correspondence Cards, Of Paper Or Paperboard; Boxes, Pouches, Wallets And Writing Compendiums, Of Paper Or Paperboard, Containing An Assortment Of Paper Stationery – Boxes, Pouches, Wallets And Writing Compendi4817309018%01/07/2017
Envelopes, Letter Cards, Plain Postcards And Correspondence Cards, Of Paper Or Paperboard; Boxes, Pouches, Wallets And Writing Compendiums, Of Paper Or Paperboard, Containing An Assortment Of Paper Stationery – Letter Cards, Plain Postcards And Correspond4817200018%01/07/2017
Plastics and articles thereofOther Articles Of Plastics And Articles Of Other Materials Of Headings 3901 To 3914 – Office Or School Supplies: Office Supplies Of A Kind Classified As Stationery Other Than Pins, Clips, And Writing Instruments : Of Polyurethane Foam3926101118%15/11/2017 1/07/2017
Other Articles Of Plastics And Articles Of Other Materials Of Headings 3901 To 3914 – Office Or School Supplies: Office Supplies Of A Kind Classified As Stationery Other Than Pins, Clips, And Writing Instruments : Other3926101918%15/11/2017 1/07/2017
Works of art, collectors’ pieces and antiquesPostage Or Revenue Stamps, Stamp-Post Marks, First-Day Covers, Postal Stationery (Stamped Paper), And The Like, Used Or Unused, Other Than Those Of Heading 49079704005%01/07/2017
Postage Or Revenue Stamps, Stamp-Post Marks, First-Day Covers, Postal Stationery (Stamped Paper), And The Like, Used Or Unused , Other Than Those Of Heading 490797045%01/07/2017


  1. What is the GST rate for stationery items?

    The GST rate for most stationery items in India is 12%.

  2. What is the GST rate for pencil boxes?

    Pencil boxes, being a type of stationery, are generally taxed at a 12% GST rate in India.

  3. What is the HSN code for stationery?

    The Harmonized System of Nomenclature (HSN) code for stationery items can vary depending on the specific item. However, most stationery products fall under HSN code 4820.

  4. What is the GST rate for pencil sharpeners?

    Pencil sharpeners, like most stationery items, are usually subject to a 12% GST rate in India.

  5. Which goods come under 28% GST rates?

    Items such as luxury goods, automobiles, and some electronic appliances typically fall under the 28% GST rate category in India.

  6. What is the GST rate of office stationery?

    Office stationery, like general stationery, is usually taxed at a 12% GST rate in India.

  7. What is HSN code for office stationery?

    The HSN code for office stationery can vary based on the specific items, but they often fall under HSN code 4820, which covers paper or paperboard products.

  8. What is the HSN code for office equipment in GST?

    Office equipment can have different HSN codes depending on the type of equipment. For instance, office machinery like photocopiers might fall under HSN code 8443, while office furniture could fall under HSN code 9403.

  9. What is the GST rate on job work (HSN code 998821)?

    Job work services are typically subject to an 18% GST rate in India, including those covered under HSN code 998821.

  10. What is the HSN code for stationery notebook?

    Stationery notebooks can fall under various HSN codes, but they are often categorized under HSN code 4820 as paper or paperboard products.

  11. What is the HSN code for notepad book?

    Notepad books are generally classified under HSN code 4820 as part of paper or paperboard products.

  12. What is the HSN code for book stationery?

    Book stationery items often come under HSN code 4820, which covers paper or paperboard products.

  13. What is the GST rate for notebooks?

    Notebooks, which are a type of stationery, are typically taxed at a 12% GST rate in India.

  14. What is the HSN code for paper booklet?

    Paper booklets are usually classified under HSN code 4820, which includes paper or paperboard products.

  15. What is the HS code for stationery file?

    The HS code is used for international trade and may not directly correspond to Indian GST. However, stationery files typically fall under HSN code 4820 in the Indian context.

  16. What is the HSN code for stationery box file?

    Stationery box files are often categorized under HSN code 4820, covering paper or paperboard products.

  17. What is the HSN code for stationery items?

    Stationery items can vary in their specific HSN codes, but many fall under HSN code 4820, which deals with paper or paperboard products.

  18. What is the HSN code for books and stationery?

    Books and stationery items may have different HSN codes, but they often come under HSN code 4820, which pertains to paper or paperboard products.

  19. What is the import HS code for stationery?

    The import HS code for stationery items may vary based on the specific product, but they often fall under the general category of HSN code 4820, which relates to paper or paperboard products in India.

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