All HS Codes or HSN Codes for software with GST Rates


Explore comprehensive HS Codes (Harmonized System Codes) or HSN Codes for software products, along with their corresponding GST rates. This concise reference provides a clear understanding of the tax implications for software transactions, aiding businesses in navigating India’s Goods and Services Tax system efficiently.

ChapterDescriptionHSN CodeRate (%)CESS (%)Effective DateRate Revision
Printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plansOther Printed Matter, Including Printed Pictures And Photographs – Other : Other : Hard Copy (Printed) Of Computer Software4911991018%01/07/2017
Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articlesDiscs, Tapes, Solid-State Non-Volatile Storage Devices, Smart Cards And Other Media For The Recording Of Sound Or Of Other Phenomena, Whether Or Not Recorded, Including Matrices And Masters Production Of Discs, But Excluding Products Of Chapter 37 – Other8523802018%01/07/2017


  1. What is the HSN code for software services?

    The HSN code for software services is 9983.

  2. What is the HSN code for software services under GST?

    Under GST (Goods and Services Tax), the HSN code for software services remains 9983.

  3. What is HSN SAC code for software services?

    The SAC (Services Accounting Code) for software services is 998312.

  4. What is the HS code for software?

    The HS (Harmonized System) code for software is typically 8523. It's a broader classification that includes both physical media containing software and software services.

  5. What is the HSN code for software development?

    Software development services are categorized under HSN code 998313.

  6. What is the HSN code 998314 used for?

    HSN code 998314 is used for information technology services, including database and online content hosting services.

  7. What is the HSN code 998313?

    HSN code 998313 is used for software development services, customization of software, and other computer-related services.

  8. What is the GST for software development?

    The GST rate for software development services falls under the 18% tax bracket, as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. However, GST rates may have changed, so it's advisable to check the latest GST rates with the authorities.

  9. What is the HSN code for laptop and software?

    Laptops and software are separate categories, each with its own HSN code. Laptops generally fall under HSN code 8471, while software services have HSN code 9983.

  10. What is the HSN code for computer software?

    Computer software is categorized under HSN code 8523. However, specific software services may have a different HSN code.

  11. What is the HSN code for software services in GST?

    As mentioned earlier, the HSN code for software services in GST is 9983.

  12. What is the HSN code for the right to use the software?

    The right to use software typically falls under the category of licensing or leasing of intellectual property services and is classified under HSN code 9973.

  13. What is the GST rate for computer software?

    The GST rate for computer software can vary depending on factors such as whether it's off-the-shelf software or custom-developed software. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the GST rate for computer software was typically 18%, but it's essential to verify the current GST rates with the authorities as they may have changed.

READ  Hand Sieves Riddles - GST Rates & HSN Code 9604

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