All HS Codes or HSN Codes for Gitti with GST Rates


Discover the complete list of HS codes or HSN codes pertaining to “Gitti,” along with their corresponding GST rates, providing a valuable resource for taxation and classification information.

ChapterDescriptionHSN CodeRate (%)CESS (%)Effective DateRate Revision
Mineral Products-Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cementGranite, Porphyry, Basalt, Sandstone And Other Monumental Or Building Stone, Whether Or Not Roughly Trimmed Or Merely Cut, By Sawing Or Otherwise, Into Blocks Or Slabs Of A Rectangular (Including Square) Shape – Other Monumental Or Building Stone: Other251690905%01/07/2017
Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone, Of A Kind Commonly Used For Concrete Aggregates, For Road Metalling Or For Railway Or Other Ballast, Shingle And Flint, Whether Or Not Heat-Treated; Macadam Of Slag, Dross Or Similar Industrial Waste, Whether Or N251710105%01/07/2017


  1. What is the HSN code for cement gitti?

    There is no specific HSN code for cement gitti. Cement gitti is classified under the HSN code of the specific type of stone or aggregate used, such as HSN code 25171090 for crushed dolomite or HSN code 25172000 for granite chippings and crushed granite.

  2. What is the HSN code of Gitti?

    There is no specific HSN code for gitti. Gitti is a general term for stone or aggregate used in construction. Gitti is classified under the HSN code of the specific type of stone or aggregate used, such as HSN code 25171090 for crushed dolomite or HSN code 25172000 for granite chippings and crushed granite.

  3. What is the HSN code for cement EIT?

    There is no specific HSN code for cement EIT. Cement EIT is a type of cement-bound aggregate used in construction. Cement EIT is classified under the HSN code of the specific type of aggregate used, such as HSN code 25171090 for crushed dolomite or HSN code 25172000 for granite chippings and crushed granite.

  4. What is the HSN code 25173000?

    HSN code 25173000 is for “Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast, shingle and flint, whether or not heat-treated”.

  5. What is the HSN code 68109990?

    HSN code 68109990 is for “Other articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials”.

  6. What is the GST tax on Gitti?

    The GST tax on gitti varies depending on the specific type of stone or aggregate used. For example, the GST tax on crushed dolomite is 5%, while the GST tax on granite chippings and crushed granite is 18%.

  7. What is the GST rate for mud bricks?

    The GST rate for mud bricks is 5%.

  8. What is the tax rate on sand?

    The tax rate on sand varies from state to state. In most states, the tax rate on sand is 5%.

  9. What is the GST rate on tiles?

    The GST rate on tiles varies depending on the type of tile. For example, the GST rate on ceramic tiles is 18%, while the GST rate on cement tiles is 5%.

  10. What is SAC code 2517?

    SAC code 2517 is for “Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast, shingle and flint, whether or not heat-treated”.

  11. What is the HSN code 25162000?

    HSN code 25162000 is for “Gypsum, anhydrite; plasters, composed of gypsum or calcium sulphate, whether or not coloured, with or without small quantities of accelerators or retarders”.

  12. What is the GST rate for 20 mm aggregate?

    The GST rate for 20 mm aggregate varies depending on the type of aggregate. For example, the GST rate for crushed dolomite is 5%, while the GST rate for granite chippings and crushed granite is 18%.

  13. What is HS Code 251710?

    HS Code 251710 is for “Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement”.

  14. What is the HSN code 25171090?

    HSN code 25171090 is for “Other limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement”.

  15. What is the GST rate for crusher stone?

    The GST rate for crusher stone varies depending on the type of stone. For example, the GST rate for crushed dolomite is 5%, while the GST rate for granite chippings and crushed granite is 18%.

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