All HS Codes or HSN Codes for flange with GST Rates


Explore a detailed compendium of HS Codes or HSN Codes for flanges, complete with corresponding GST rates, providing invaluable insights for your business or import-export operations.

ChapterDescriptionHSN CodeRate (%)CESS (%)Effective DateRate Revision
Pharmaceutical productsOstomy Appliances Including Pouch Or Flange, Stoma Adhesive Paste, Barrier Cream, Irrigator Kit, Sleeves, Belt, Micro-Pore Tapes”;30065%


  1. What is the 8 digit HSN code for flanges?

    The 8 digit HSN code for flanges is 73079190. This code covers flanges, other than those of stainless steel.

  2. What is the HSN code for flanges?

    The HSN code for flanges is 730791. This code covers flanges of iron or steel.

  3. What is the HSN code for SS flange 8 digit?

    The 8 digit HSN code for stainless steel flange is 73079100.

  4. How do I find my 8 digit HSN code?

    You can find your 8 digit HSN code by searching the HSN code directory on the website of the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC).

  5. What is the HSN code for delivery flanges?

    The HSN code for delivery flanges is 73079190.

  6. What is the HSN code for steel flanges?

    The HSN code for steel flanges is 730791.

  7. What is the HSN code for metal flange?

    The HSN code for metal flanges is 730791.

  8. What is the HSN code for mild steel flanges?

    The HSN code for mild steel flanges is 730791.

  9. What is the HSN code for steel pipe with flanges?

    The HSN code for steel pipe with flanges depends on the type of flange. If the flanges are of iron or steel, then the HSN code is 730791. If the flanges are of stainless steel, then the HSN code is 73079100.

  10. What is the HSN code for mild steel?

    The HSN code for mild steel is 721410.

READ  All HS Codes or HSN Codes for electrical fittings with GST Rates

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