Internal Audit

Chemical Manufacturing Audit Checklist

chemical manufacturing audit

With the ever-increasing complexity of operations and potential risks involved with the chemical industries, a chemical manufacturing audit checklist is one of the primary highlights for ensuring secure and safe measures.

 Safety measures are paramount for every chemical company, as its business is connected with preventing and mitigating potential catastrophic accidents that may result in loss of life, environmental damage, and multiple financial implications.

This chemical manufacturing audit checklist examines various elements of the chemical manufacturing business operations, such as design integrity, detection of hazards, safety systems, operating procedures, and emergency response plans. Meanwhile, this audit checklist is a tool for a chemical company to maintain optimal safety levels.

A meticulous evaluation and inspections are held through an audit where potential risks or hazards are detected before they escalate into major incidents. The chemical manufacturing audit checklist helps the company evaluate and analyze the operational procedure and equipment efficiency, thus streamlining the business operations and adhering to the regulatory requirements and standards. Ultimately, this audit checklist promotes a safe working environment and increases production.

What is Chemical Manufacturing Audit checklist?

A chemical manufacturing audit checklist is a tool used by an organization to analyze or evaluate the functioning and operations of chemical manufacturing, storage, and usage within the boundaries of a respective workplace and its facility.

 A company implementing a chemical manufacturing audit checklist ensures that the chemical manufacturing system is in place, following the best practices, and is adequate and efficient in its business operations. However, this chemical manufacturing audit checklist also helps the company meet and align with the local laws and regulations connected to handling hazardous chemicals.

Importance of Chemical Manufacturing Audit

With the help of a chemical manufacturing audit checklist, a company can systematically handle, store, and dispose of hazardous chemicals produced during manufacturing. This reduces exposure to toxic materials and various other related workplace incidents.

 A company without being equipped with a proper system of chemical control and training, exposure to chemicals causes multiple diseases such as respiratory illness, cancer, and various other burns, as well as injuries related to fire and explosion.

Therefore, it is essential for an industry dealing with chemical manufacturing to take precautions and be equipped with safety measures by conducting a chemical manufacturing audit checklist program. Additionally, a regular audit aided by the standardized chemical manufacturing audit checklist helps chemical industries identify the gaps in dealing with hazardous chemicals and prevent incidents before they occur and cause damage.

What are the steps involved in the Chemical Manufacturing Audit Checklist?

A chemical manufacturing audit checklist involves a series of steps to evaluate and assess the chemical safety measures a company, or an organization is equipped with. Given below are the typical steps one can follow to achieve a comprehensive chemical safety audit:

  • Pre-Audit Planning

Before starting an audit, collect all the necessary documents, such as SDS (Safety Data Sheets), chemical inventories, and other existing safety protocols. Ensure that the respective audit team is adequately trained and equipped with an audit’s various scopes and objectives.

  • Checklist Customization

They are customized and navigate the chemical manufacturing audit checklist according to the specific needs and potential risks at the workplace. Restructure the audit checklists to match or align the types of chemicals, processes, and safety regulations and measures applicable in the said company facility.

  • Site Visit and Inspection

Conduct a program to physically visit the workplace and inspect the chemical storage areas, handling procedures, emergency equipment, and other personnel commitments to safety measure protocols. Therefore, it is recommended to use the audit checklist as a guide to ensure a thorough coverage of all safety measures and protocols.

  • Documentation and Observation
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An audit process shall be documented, and diligent observations shall be made, noting the areas of compliance and non-compliance. Meanwhile, capturing videography and photography will provide visual evidence of the conditions.

On the other hand, a chemical manufacturing audit checklist must ensure engagement with the employees handling the chemical and safety measure practices. Such insights help the company to understand the practical implementation of safety procedures.

  • Recommendations and Corrective Actions

A list of suggestions and recommendations for improving safety measure practices must be created, outlining the specific corrective actions. However, the auditor must not forget to assign specific responsibilities and set timelines for implementing such corrective actions.

  • Reporting and Follow-Up

Preparation of a comprehensive report on the audit accompanied by all the findings, recommendations, and various other corrective action plans. Such reports shall be shared with the company shareholders for follow-up to ensure such corrective actions are completed.

  • Continuous Improvement

Lastly, this chemical manufacturing audit checklist should be viewed as an ongoing process that should be regularly conducted to achieve better results and prevent any discrepancies between safety measures and emerging risks.

Why use a chemical Manufacturing Audit Checklist for Safety Measure?

When a chemical manufacturing company conducts an audit to ensure a safety measure, using a checklist provides several advantages that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the chemical manufacturing audit program. Here is the list of benefits behind the implementation of the chemical manufacturing audit checklist :

1. Systematic Evaluation

A chemical manufacturing audit checklist helps the company by providing a systematic framework for approaching the critical aspects of chemical safety measures, ensuring no single safety measure is overlooked. An auditor, through a checklist, can systematically evaluate every factor of safety protocols and measures, ensuring no single important detail is missed.

2. Consistency and Standardization

No matter who is conducting the audit, a chemical manufacturing company can establish consistency and standardization in the audit process through the chemical manufacturing audit checklist, making it easier to compare findings over time and across different facilities.

3. Documentation and Accountability

Documentation and accountability are other essential elements that the chemical manufacturing audit checklist provides, serving as a record keeper, such as documentation of the review analysis, areas of improvement and issues, and various other recommendations for corrective measures or actions.

However, such documentation is essential for maintaining accountability and compliance and monitoring the implementation of the safety measures mentioned in the checklist.

Types of Safety Control Measures for the Chemical Manufacturing Industry

These safety control measures for the chemical manufacturing industry are essential to risk management programs. Given below are some of the lists commonly used as a control measure by the chemical manufacturing company.

1. Elimination and Substitution Measures

This is the most desirable method as they strive to thoroughly evaluate and remove the potential chemical hazards from the workplace. On the other hand, a less hazardous substitution should be figured out.

2. Isolation & Engineering Controls

Isolation control means separating workers from chemicals, but often, it is addressed so that only exposure to chemical hazards can be reduced. Isolation equipment like glove boxes is used. Engineering controls are mechanical tools that help the chemical manufacturing company reduce the impact of chemical hazards. Tools like mechanical ventilation systems and LEV are some examples of engineering controls.

3. Administrative Controls

Administrative controls ensure the functioning of the working method, operating procedures, and staff training programs, which focus on the company’s chemical safety measures.

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4. Personal Protective Equipment

PPE, or Personal Protective Equipment, is the least desirable chemical control measure since it is only used as a temporary barrier between the worker and the chemical. Regularly reviewing the PPE is essential to ensure its protection level and whether it is being used correctly and efficiently. This review includes checking PPE for damage, brokenness, missing items, unhygienic

When to conduct a Chemical Safety Review?

This chemical safety review is essential to the risk management plan and shall be programmed into the calendar. Below are the three common ways to review the chemical safety measures of chemical manufacturing companies.

  • The company shall conduct periodic site inspections and safety audits by engaging employees with specific responsibilities, such as managers, supervisors, team leaders, and WHS representatives, to conduct site inspections, schedule preventive measures, and test chemical containers and safety measures equipment.
    It recommended hiring external auditors and expert specialists to detect and inspect dangerous goods in the manufacturing premises.
  • In case of an accident, incident, or request, a company must organize to conduct a chemical safety review to investigate the foul reason behind such incidents or when such chemical tests result in an indication of unacceptable airborne concentration levels.
    Additionally, severe weather or any unprecedented natural disaster also results in conducting a review to check and verify if any outdoor chemical stores are subsequently damaged.
  • Whenever any changes occur in the workplace or its operations, such as renovations, expansion, relocation, etc., remember to review them to check if any potential risks are attached. However, the safety control measures shall be reviewed regularly to ensure they are aligned with the plan.

What should be included in the Chemical Safety Audit Checklist Template?

A company must customize the chemical manufacturing audit checklist according to its needs and align it with its business operations. Though one can customize the templates for such audit checklists, the company shall ensure that the following elements and factors are included to make the chemical safety audit checklist more comprehensive and effective:

1. Page Title

This page title shall include the name of a client, site name, audit date and time, auditor name, location address, description of worksite activities, and various other lists of hazardous chemicals and substances handled, stored, and disposed of.

2. People Information

This is an inquiry to find out people’s information through a questionnaire on personnel training, education, awareness of emergency procedures, and proper wearing of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

3. Audit on Working Area

An inquiry into the conditions of the working areas will be conducted by questioning the level of hygiene and safety measures.

4. Inspection of Handling, Storage, and Disposal Procedure

Check whether the chemicals are appropriately labelled and efficiently in a good and safe condition, ensuring chemical waste is in safe and secure locations.

5. Completion Page

Lastly, a completion page will be created to adequately address all the audit observations, comments, and recommendations for future reference.

What is the Importance of Proper Hazardous Chemicals Management?

Proper hazardous chemicals management is a critical aspect of occupational safety. Chemical industries are often exposed to substances, and if not properly handled or stored, a significant impact would occur among the company’s employees and workers and potentially damage the environment. However, beyond immediate physical threats like burns or respiratory issues, constant exposure in the long term may lead to chronic diseases or cancer.

Additionally, such chemical hazardous risks spread beyond workplace safety, as accidents or discrepancies in disposal techniques may damage the environment, affecting communities and ecosystems.

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Therefore, a company with the proper chemical management protocols ensures a safer workplace and thus contributes to the overall health and well-being of society and the ecosystem. The chemical manufacturing audit checklist, as a broader part of a chemical company management audit, plays a vital role in this process and thus ensures compliance and regulations frameworks fostering a safe and secure environment.


In conclusion, the chemical manufacturing audit checklist helps chemical companies conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with the industry standard by detecting and mitigating potential risks and hazards that could have disastrous consequences. Subsequently, such auditing helps find out the best safety measures for employees and the environment, reducing the risk of accidents and thus streamlining business operations to improve efficiency. However, with the proactive chemical manufacturing audit checklist, a company will not only ensure safety measures but also protect lives and contribute towards the growth of sustainable development, leading to the success of chemical companies all across the globe.


  1. How often should a chemical manufacturing audit checklist be conducted?

    The frequency of performing a chemical manufacturing audit checklist can be based on several factors, such as the nature of a workplace, types of chemical manufacturing, and various other regulatory requirements. Subsequently, some organizations conduct audits quarterly and bi-annually.

  2. Can a company detect a hazardous substance through a chemical manufacturing audit checklist for safety measures?

    The main purpose behind this audit checklist is to evaluate and improve safety measure practices and compliance alignment. Additionally, it can be leveraged as a tool to find a safer alternative precautionary measure for hazardous substances.

  3. What is an audit in the chemical industry?

    Audit in the chemical industry means evaluating and analyzing elements like design integrity, detection of hazards, safety methods, operating procedures, emergency response plans, etc.

  4. What is a safety audit checklist?

    A safety audit checklist is a document that organizations use to ensure that their workspace is safe and secure and meets regulatory compliance as per the industry standard. However, this document helps the company detect the potential risks and dangers within the workplace and ensures a safer work environment.

  5. What are the protocols for chemical safety?

    Some of the common protocols for chemical safety that the company should follow are maintaining an organized facility, communicating hazards to everyone in the facility, following basic safety procedures, using engineering controls, etc.

  6. What are chemical hazards?

    Chemical hazards include medications, solutions, gases, vapours, and aerosols, particularly chemicals potentially toxic and irritating to the human body.

  7. What is a chemical checklist?

    A chemical checklist is a tool that provides information on various chemical and safety measures to be taken while dealing with chemical particles. It also indicates appropriate precautions, including personal protective equipment and various other emergency procedures.

  8. What is the use of a checklist for a company?

    The checklist is a process that is systematically documented, keeping things aligned and organized before conducting the task, such as meeting the deadlines and increasing the efficiency of an audit program or an evaluation.

  9. How can a checklist help a company?

    A checklist helps the company control the tasks and determine the priority segments needed to be part of the process. It assists the company in breaking the tasks into their smallest elements.

  10. What is a hazard identification checklist?

    A hazard identification checklist is like any other checklist used by safety officers in performing hazard assessment. However, the main task behind the hazard assessment is to determine the potential health and safety hazards by evaluating the conditions or practices in the workplace.

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