Global Registration

Cayman Islands: Company Types You Should Know

Cayman Islands

When it comes to incorporating a company in the Cayman Islands, businesses have a range of company types to choose from, each with its unique features and benefits. Businesses need to understand the different types of companies available and their respective advantages and disadvantages to make an informed decision that aligns with their needs and goals. In this context, we will explore the main company types in the Cayman Islands and their pros and cons.

Key Factors Company types in the Cayman Islands

Choosing the right type of company structure in the Cayman Islands is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Legal protection: Different company types offer different levels of legal protection. For instance, forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) can legally protect owners against business liabilities. It means the owners’ assets will be protected if the business has financial difficulties.
  2. Taxation: The Cayman Islands is a tax-neutral jurisdiction, meaning there are no income taxes, corporate taxes, or capital gains taxes. However, different company types may have different tax implications in other jurisdictions where the company may operate.
  3. Business activities: Certain companies may be better suited to specific business activities than others. For example, an exempted company is best suited for businesses that operate internationally, while a local company is better suited for businesses that operate solely within the Cayman Islands.
  4. Ownership and management structure: Different company types offer varying levels of flexibility in ownership and management structure. For example, a limited liability company (LLC) allows for more ownership and management structure flexibility than a general partnership.
  5. Recognition: Some company types may be more widely recognised and accepted in certain jurisdictions than others, which may be necessary for international businesses[1].
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Choosing suitable company types in the Cayman Islands can help businesses maximise their legal protection, minimise tax liabilities, and optimise their operations. It is essential to seek professional advice when deciding on the most appropriate company type for your business.

 Company types in the Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands is a popular offshore jurisdiction for establishing companies due to its tax-neutral environment, political stability, and efficient business infrastructure. Here are the different types of companies you should know about in the Cayman Islands:

  1. Exempted Companies: This is the most popular type of company in the Cayman Islands. Exempted companies are exempt from paying local taxes and can conduct business outside the Cayman Islands. They cannot conduct business with Cayman residents or own real estate there.


  • Exempt from local taxes
  • Can conduct business internationally
  • Flexible ownership and management structure
  • Limited reporting and disclosure requirements


  • Not allowed to conduct business with Cayman residents or own real estate in the country
  • Must maintain a registered office in the Cayman Islands

2. Local Companies: Local companies are permitted to conduct business within the Cayman Islands and are subject to local taxes. They can be owned by Caymanian residents or by foreigners who have obtained a local license.


  • Allowed to conduct business within the Cayman Islands
  • Can be owned by Caymanian residents or foreigners with a local license
  • Suitable for businesses that need to have a physical presence in the country


  • Subject to local taxes
  • Must comply with local reporting and disclosure requirements
  • Not allowed to conduct business outside of the Cayman Islands
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3. Exempted Limited Duration Companies (ELCs): ELCs are similar to exempted companies but have a limited duration of existence, which can be specified in the company’s articles of association.


  • Similar to exempted companies, but with a limited duration of existence
  • It can be a good option for specific projects or ventures


  • Not as widely used or recognised as exempted companies

4. Segregated Portfolio Companies (SPCs): SPCs are commonly used for hedge funds and insurance companies. They allow for the segregation of assets and liabilities between different portfolios, which can have different investors and investment strategies.


  • Can segregate assets and liabilities between different portfolios, which can have different investors and investment strategies
  • Suitable for hedge funds and insurance companies


  • More complex to set up and maintain than other company types
  • Limited recognition in some jurisdictions

5. Limited liability companies (LLCs): LLCs are relatively new in the Cayman Islands. They offer the limited liability protection of a corporation but are treated as a partnership for tax purposes, which means they are not subject to Cayman Island’s taxes.


  • Offer the limited liability protection of a corporation
  • Treated as a partnership for tax purposes, so not subject to Cayman Island’s taxes
  • Flexible ownership and management structure


  • More complex to set up and maintain than other company types
  • Not recognised in all jurisdictions

6. Limited liability partnerships (LLPs): LLPs are similar to LLCs but are treated as partnerships for legal and tax purposes. They offer limited liability protection to partners, and the income is only taxed at the partner’s level, not at the partnership level.


  • Offer limited liability protection to partners
  • Treated as a partnership for legal and tax purposes
  • Income is taxed only at the partner’s level, not at the partnership level
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  • More complex to set up and maintain than general partnerships
  • Not recognised in all jurisdictions

7. General partnerships: General partnerships are the simplest type of partnership. Each partner is personally liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership. Partnerships are not taxed at the entity level, but the income is taxed at the partners’ level.


  • The simplest type of partnership
  • Each partner has equal ownership and management rights
  • Not taxed at the entity level, only at the partner’s level


  • Partners are personally liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership.
  • Limited to a maximum of 20 partners
  • Not recognised in all jurisdictions

It is important to note that the company types in the Cayman Islands you choose will depend on your business needs and goals. It is recommended to seek professional advice when establishing a company in the Cayman Islands.


In conclusion, the company types in the Cayman Islands cater to businesses’ different needs and goals. Each company type has advantages and disadvantages, from legal protection and tax implications to ownership and management structure. It is crucial for businesses to carefully consider these factors when choosing a company type in the Cayman Islands that best suits their needs. Seeking professional advice from a business advisor can also help businesses make informed decisions. Choosing the proper company structure can help businesses optimise their operations, minimise tax liabilities, and maximise legal protection.

Read our Article: Incorporating a company in the Cayman Islands

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