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AIF Registration

Foreign Investments in Category III Alternative Investm...

Foreign Investments in Category III

The industry of Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) has skyrocketed in a matter of few years despite it being in its early stages. AIFs has significantly im...

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Is Shareholder’s Agreement Enforceable in Listed...

Shareholder's Agreement

The operation of a company, the rights and responsibilities granted to the shareholders, and the connection between the company and the shareholders are al...

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Governance Norms Applicable to REITs And InvITs

Governance Norms

The important aspects of the governance norms that apply to REITs and InvITs, as announced by SEBI on February 14, 2023, are highlighted in this blog. Thes...

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Foreign Portfolio Investment

Foreign Portfolio Investors can Invest in Alternate Inv...

Foreign Portfolio Investors

Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) are persons registered with the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) who act as an intermediary to make investments...

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How to Resolve a Dispute between the Investor and Promo...

Investors and Promoters

The most frequent and popular way to become a shareholder in a startup is to invest in the company at a predetermined valuation that is set using widely ac...

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AIF Registration

FPI Regulations Permitting Registration of AIFs in IFSC...


The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has permitted Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) to be set up in International Financial Services Centre (IFS...

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AIF Registration

Alternative Investment Fund: Category II vs Category II...

Category II vs Category III

Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) is a privately pooled investment vehicle incorporated or established in India in the form of a company, LLP, trust or a b...

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SEBI Registration

Usage of Brand Name/Trade Name by Investment Advisers (...

Research Analysts

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has just released a circular on the use of brand names or trade names by investment advisers and research...

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