Finance Business

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Credit Co-operative Society

Objectives, Advantages Co-operative Society

Cooperative Society

A cooperative society is formed with the main objective to serve the people and develop the economic condition within society. A cooperative society, also...

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Insurance Web Aggregator

Process for Insurance Web Aggregator License/Registrati...

Insurance Web Aggregator

The applicant shall comply with the following requirement of condition to obtain Certificate of registration of Insurance Web Aggregator: The applicant sha...

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Finance Business

How Auto Finance Business is Always Considered as Profi...

Auto Finance

The whole auto finance industry is on the edge of being reformed adoption of technologies & business models led by new trend and design. How is Automob...

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Finance Business

Mobile Financial Services in India

Mobile Financial Services in India-min

M-finance has the potential to add value on multiple fronts and enhance the overall economic and social system. Customers can initiate and complete financi...

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Finance Business

Finance Transformation in India

Finance Transformation

Finance transformation is used to describe strategic initiatives aimed at improving Finance within a company What Is Finance Transformation in India In rec...

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Credit Co-operative Society

Co-Operative Banks Extension of Area of Operation RBI A...

co-operative Banks

Co-operative banks are small-sized units which are organized in the co-operative sector of urban and non-urban centers. They have become a vital part of th...

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Credit Co-operative Society

Appointment of Auditor of Co-operative Society

co-operative society

The accounts of the credit cooperative society shall be audited by the auditor appointed by co-operative society. The audit includes annual or periodical a...

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Credit Co-operative Society

FAQs on Multi-State Cooperative Society

Cooperative Society

Q. 1) What is Multi-State Cooperative Society? Ans.: Any society formed with the object of the social and economic betterment of its members through self-h...

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