SEBI Circular

SEBI Issues a Circular on Standardizing Unclaimed Non-Convertible Securities Amounts

In the ever-evolving landscape of securities regulations, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has introduced a pivotal circular (SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-RAC-1/P/CIR/2023/176) dated November 08, 2023. This circular addresses the procedural framework for managing unclaimed amounts associated with listed non-convertible securities. As a seasoned industry professional, this article aims to dissect and analyze this circular, offering insights into its implications for issuers, investors, and the broader financial market.

Key Provisions of the Circular

  1. Escrow Account for Unclaimed Amounts: The circular mandates that unclaimed interest, dividends, or redemption amounts from non-convertible securities must be transferred to an Escrow Account if not claimed within 30 days of the due date. This move ensures the safeguarding of unclaimed funds, enhancing investor protection.
  2. Transfer to Investor Education Funds: Funds unclaimed for seven years will be transferred to the ‘Investor Education and Protection Fund’ (IEPF) for companies, and to the ‘Investor Protection and Education Fund’ (IPEF) for non-companies. This action aligns with SEBI’s investor education initiatives.
  3. Standardized Claim Process: The circular establishes a standardized process for investors to claim these unclaimed amounts, providing clarity and uniformity in the reclaiming process.
  4. Nodal Officer Appointment: Each listed entity must designate a Nodal Officer to act as a point of contact for investors and regulatory bodies regarding unclaimed amounts, ensuring accountability and streamlined communication.
  5. Website Disclosure: Listed entities are required to disclose details of unclaimed amounts on their websites, promoting transparency and making it easier for investors to identify and claim their dues.

Real-world Implications

  • Investor Impact: The circular empowers investors with clearer paths to reclaim their unclaimed amounts. It also reinforces the protection of their financial interests through regulated fund transfers and disclosures.
  • Issuer Responsibilities: For issuers, the circular introduces additional compliance requirements, including the establishment of Escrow Accounts, appointment of Nodal Officers, and regular updates on their websites. These steps, while increasing operational tasks, are crucial for maintaining regulatory compliance and investor trust.
  • Market Efficiency: By standardizing the process of handling unclaimed amounts, SEBI aims to enhance the efficiency of the securities market. This standardization simplifies processes for both issuers and investors, potentially reducing administrative bottlenecks.
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Case Study: Historical Context

To appreciate the circular’s significance, consider the past challenges where unclaimed dividends and interests led to investor grievances. The circular addresses these issues by providing a clear, standardized process for reclaiming funds and ensuring their safekeeping.

Forward-Looking Insights

  • Technological Integration: The circular’s emphasis on online disclosures and electronic claims processing hints at a future where technology plays a central role in investor relations and compliance. This trend may lead to more streamlined, user-friendly platforms for investor interactions.
  • Regulatory Evolution: This circular is a part of SEBI’s broader objective to enhance transparency and investor protection. Future regulations may further tighten compliance requirements and investor safeguards.
  • Market Response: The circular could lead to increased investor confidence in the market, as it demonstrates regulatory commitment to protecting investor interests. This confidence is vital for the healthy functioning of capital markets.


The SEBI circular on unclaimed amounts in non-convertible securities marks a significant step towards enhancing investor protection and market efficiency. By standardizing procedures and increasing transparency, it not only safeguards investors’ interests but also lays down clear compliance pathways for issuers. As the market adapts to these changes, we can expect a more robust, transparent, and investor-friendly securities landscape in India.

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