RBI Notification

RBI unveils framework for updating credit information, customers to get ₹100/day in case of delay

RBI unveils framework for updating credit information, customers to get ₹100/day in case of delay

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has once again stepped into the spotlight, this time focusing on an area often mired in customer grievances and opaque processes: the updation and rectification of credit information. In its notification RBI/2023-24/72 dated October 26, 2023, the central bank lays down a groundbreaking framework compelling Credit Information Companies (CICs) and other Credit Institutions (CIs) to compensate customers for delays in updating or rectifying credit information. This move, both bold and consumer-centric, could significantly alter the dynamics of the credit information landscape in India.

Reference NumberRBI/2023-24/72, DoR.FIN.REC.48/20.16.003/2023-24
DateOctober 26, 2023
Applicable ToCommercial Banks, Co-operative Banks, NBFCs, All-India Financial Institutions, Asset Reconstruction Companies, Credit Information Companies
Compensation Framework₹100/day for delays beyond 30 calendar days in updating/rectifying credit information
Responsibility TimeframeCI: 21 days to update info; CIC: Additional 9 days for resolution
Payment Process– CI pays if it fails to update within 21 days<br>- CIC pays if it fails to resolve within 30 days
Notification RequirementCI/CIC must advise complainant of action taken, including reasons for rejection
Apportionment of CompensationProportional among CIs/CICs involved
Registration & CoordinationFor complaints involving multiple CIs, to be registered with a CIC which coordinates resolution
Information to ComplainantPost-resolution, CIs/CICs must inform complainant of total delay and compensation amount
Resolution DateDate when rectified CIR is sent to complainant
Complaint SubmissionCICs/CIs to enable submission of contact, email, and bank/UPI details for compensation
Compensation Credit TimelineWithin 5 working days of complaint resolution
Redressal for Denial of Compensation– RBI Ombudsman Scheme for CIs/CICs<br>- CEPC at RBI ROs for CIs not covered under the Scheme
Non-Maintainability Cases– Disputes under Section 18 of CICRA, 2005<br>- Internal, HR, pay, emoluments issues<br>- Disputes on credit score computation<br>- Complaints already in other legal fora
Implementation Deadline6 months from date of circular
Penal Action for Non-AdherenceAs per provisions of CICRA, 2005

Analyzing the Directive

At its core, the directive mandates a compensation of ₹100 per calendar day to complainants if their credit information-related grievances are not resolved within 30 days. This structure of accountability introduces a financial disincentive for delays, ostensibly compelling CIs and CICs to hasten their processes and focus more diligently on accuracy and efficiency.

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The Significance

  1. Consumer Empowerment: This directive robustly advocates for consumer rights, ensuring they are not just passive subjects in the credit reporting ecosystem but have definitive mechanisms to seek redressal.
  2. Operational Efficiency: By financially penalizing delays, RBI indirectly urges CIs and CICs to revamp their internal processes, potentially leading to more investments in technology and training for quicker dispute resolution.
  3. Transparency and Accountability: The framework fosters transparency and compels CICs and CIs to maintain higher standards of accountability. Each entity must not only correct mistakes within the stipulated time but also inform the customer about the resolution, including instances of complaint rejection.

Practical Challenges and Implications

Despite its strengths, this framework is not without challenges:

  • Operational Burden: The additional onus of tracking and compensating could strain the resources of smaller CIs and CICs.
  • Dispute Complexity: Some disputes are inherently complex, requiring more than the stipulated 30 days for a thorough investigation. The one-size-fits-all nature of the compensation framework may not be fair in all cases.
  • Potential for Misuse: While empowering consumers, there’s a thin line between protection and exploitation. The possibility of frivolous or fraudulent complaints could increase, exploiting the financial penalty clause.

Case Studies and Precedents

Let’s examine real-world implications with a hypothetical scenario:

Case Study: ‘FastCredit’ – A small finance bank, after this directive, noticed a 60% increase in customer complaints related to credit information. Investigating, FastCredit found that most delays occurred due to a lack of automated systems to flag and address discrepancies quickly. Responding, FastCredit invested in AI-driven solutions, streamlining their process, and saw a subsequent drop in both the number of complaints and the penalties paid.

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This example illustrates that while the initial adjustment period might be challenging, the long-term benefits of improved accuracy, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency can outweigh the initial discomfort and expense.

Forward-Looking Insights

Going forward, this directive could spearhead several industry-wide changes:

  1. Technological Adoption: Enhanced focus on AI, ML, and automation for quicker resolution of credit information disputes.
  2. Consumer Awareness: As consumers become more aware of their rights, CIs and CICs will likely witness an increase in the volume of complaints, necessitating more robust handling mechanisms.
  3. Policy Evolution: This framework may evolve, potentially introducing tiered compensation based on the complexity of disputes or extending the timeline for extraordinarily intricate cases.


The RBI’s latest directive is a significant step towards fortifying consumer rights and enforcing diligence in credit information management. While the path ahead involves operational and strategic recalibration for CIs and CICs, the potential benefits in terms of enhanced customer trust, improved accuracy of credit reporting, and overall financial ecosystem health are immense. Institutions must adapt quickly, adopting cutting-edge solutions to stay compliant and competitive. The stage is set for a more responsible and responsive credit information framework, heralding a new era of consumer empowerment and institutional accountability in India’s financial landscape.


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